No One Should Have Power for Life

Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts smiling wearing ornate royal crowns

Why Term Limits?

The majority of Americans have lost faith in the unethical Supreme Court.

The GOP-packed Court is advancing a far-right agenda, undermining our democracy, and attacking our fundamental freedoms. They ignore decades-old precedent, handing out big wins to billionaires and partisan extremists, like overturning Roe v. Wade.

With term limits, we can restore balance to this Court in just a few short years.

The TERM Act in the House and the BATL Act in the Senate would create 18-year term limits for current and future justices and give every President an appointment to the Supreme Court every two years.

That would help us build a more representative Supreme Court, protect our fundamental freedoms, and ensure that no justice has too much power for too long.

The United States is the only modern constitutional democracy in the world which doesn’t have term or age limits for their Highest Court.

49 out of 50 states have either term limits, elections, or mandatory retirement ages for their top judges. But the highest court in our nation does not.

It’s time to change that.

We've Had Enough

7 in 10 Americans support Supreme Court term limits—because some Justices have been warming the bench for decades. Here are the longest serving Justices who’d be the first to go under the TERM Act.

Clarence Thomas looking smug

Justice Clarence Thomas

32 Yrs

Sitting on his throne since his appointment in 1991. Remember when Sonic the Hedgehog came out for the SEGA Genesis? Yeah, it’s been that long. Thomas would be the first to go under the TERM Act.

John Roberts smiling slyly

Justice John G. Roberts

18 Yrs

In 2005, Mariah Carey's “We Belong Together” was number one on the charts for 14 weeks, and John Roberts was appointed to the bench for 18 years and counting. He would be the second to go under the TERM Act.

Samuel Alito smiling but still looking distressed

Justice Samuel Alito

18 Yrs

In 2006, we saw the rise of Hannah Montana, Taylor Swift, High School Musical, and Samuel Alito. Yep, Alito’s been on the Supreme Court long enough to see low rise jeans come back into style. He would be the third to go under the TERM Act.



Is your legislator one of them? Use our tool to see who supports the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization (TERM) Act or the Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term Limits (BATL) Act — then tell them to take action.